2024 – 2025
Greenhouse Information
The Mission of the Community Garden @ Snellville Greenhouse Committee is to propagate seeds and transplants to sell in the community in order to generate income for the Garden. In addition, it will provide an excellent location for the Gwinnett County Extension Office and Master Gardeners to use for classes and demonstrations open to the community.
Greenhouse Mission Statement
The Mission of the Community Garden @ Snellville Greenhouse Committee is to propagate seeds and transplants to sell in the community in order to generate income for the Garden. In addition, it will provide an excellent location for the Gwinnett County Extension Office and Master Gardeners to use for classes and demonstrations open to the community.
Greenhouse Rules & Regulations
1. No smoking allowed.
2. No pets allowed.
3. Greenhouse will be locked and the combination will be available only to the Greenhouse Management
Team (GMT) and CG@S committee members.
4. Visitors are welcome when the greenhouse is open.
5. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
6. Only the GMT may propagate seeds and transplants in the greenhouse.
7. The GMT is responsible for ensuring that the greenhouse is clean and everything is properly put away
8. The GMT is responsible for maintaining the Log/Record of work performance by date, name, work
completed and materials used.
9. All propagated seed pots, flats and transplants must be labeled with date, name of plant and initials of
person who did the work.
10. Supplies will be stored in the greenhouse.
11. Materials will be consistent with the CG@S “sustainable” or “as organic as possible” rules.
12. Donated flats, pots, planters etc. will be cleaned with a 10/1 bleach solution before use in the
Greenhouse Management Team (GMT)
Ileen Meggison honeyb@bellsouth.net
Wes Nettleton wesnet50@gmail.com
Lucy Nettleton wesnet50@gmail.com
Martha Whitman 1marthawhitman@gmail.com
Rob Stewart (electrician) rob@kthill.net
Kurt Schulz (building) kgschulz@bellsouth.net
Gretchen Schulz kgschulz@bellsouth.net
Connect with Wes Nettleton
P.O. Box 669,
Snellville, GA 30078
talk to us
Connect with
Wes Nettleton