Located in T. W. Briscoe Park at the corner of Magnolia Road and Sawyer Parkway, Snellville Georgia
2024-2025 Garden Rules & Application
P.O. Box 669, Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 279-9062 Wes Nettleton
Website: www.snellvillecommunitygarden.com

While we set rules to ensure a quality experience for all, our goal is to create a garden where the
participants learn from  each other, enjoy gardening and benefit from the gardening experience. Suggestions from any of our gardeners are welcome at any time.

The Community Garden @ Snellville (hereafter referred to collectively as “The Garden”) is operated as a sustainable garden. Any chemicals and materials used must be on The Garden’s Approved Materials List.
A current Approved Materials List may be found posted at The Garden and on the website at www.snellvillecommunitygarden.com. The plot leasee(s) will hereafter be referred to collectively as
“The Gardener”.

1.    This is an annual contract for a garden plot and is valid for a period of 12 months, beginning April 1, 2024, and expiring March 31, 2025. A completed and signed garden application is required. A
non-refundable, nontransferable gardening fee is required for each plot. Plots are assigned on a first-come first-served basis with priority given to city residents. Gardening fees include the use of land, utilities, compost, and mulch, when available.

2.    Gardening and access to The Garden are allowed only during regular T. W. Briscoe Park hours.

3.    Each Gardener will be given a lock combination to enter The Garden. Do not share the lock combination with others to maintain proper security. If you are the last gardener to leave the garden, you must ensure that no visitors are still in the garden and that the gate is properly locked when you leave.

4.    To keep the common areas of The Garden maintained, all Gardeners agree to participate in 6 hours per plot of garden community service per year. Each gardener’s volunteer hours will be tracked and if the 6 hours per plot has not been met a fee of $5 per hour per bed will be added to their bed rental fee for the following year, up to a maximum of $30 per bed.

5.    Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on garden property.

6.    Gardening while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is also strictly prohibited.

7.    Respect for other Gardeners is required and abusive or profane language and any discrimination against others is prohibited.

8.    Pets are permitted inside the garden if they are leashed, controlled, and show no aggression. Pets cannot step into or urinate against other plots, and any pet waste must be disposed of by the owner immediately. If a gardener is found to repeatedly leave pet waste unattended, lease privileges will be forfeited for the remainder of the lease term. If the pet owner is a visitor, they will no longer be allowed access to the garden. Pets are not allowed to consume any plants or other vegetation in or around the garden. Owners are responsible for appropriate control and behavior of their pets. General Park laws and ordinances regarding pets apply.

9.    Children and guests are welcome at The Garden, but only when accompanied by The Gardener. Proper behavior is expected and required, and The Gardener is responsible for the behavior of children and/or guests.

10.    Once assigned, a plot shall be properly maintained within two weeks. Plots will be kept planted, watered, harvested, weeded, and mulched and free of dead plant material (other than compost). A neat, attractive, cared-for appearance in the garden area is required. Plots will not be left fallow or unused and must be properly maintained all year long. Plots will remain free of weeds, pests, and diseases. The soil/compost material, once put in the beds, is the property of the Garden and may not be removed.

11.    If a plot becomes neglected, every effort will be taken to notify the plot lessee. If plot continues to be neglected for 30 continuous days, the plot may be transferred to a new gardener and a refund cannot be granted for neglect. Any produce from the reverted plot will be harvested for donation. If you can no longer take care of your plot, either temporarily or indefinitely, please notify the Garden Management.

12.    Please be mindful of planting sprawling or tall crops that might interfere with lawn maintenance in The Garden. If plants extend beyond the assigned plot, they may be cut back to the proper boundaries by the contracted maintenance crew or garden management. Do not plant illegal or poisonous plants. Garden Management will retain the right to decide whether a plant is appropriate for The Garden.

13.    Any activity inconsistent with gardening shall not be allowed in the garden area and may result in loss of gardening privileges.

14.    Harvest only from your assigned plot. Gardeners harvesting from other plots without permission will lose gardening privileges.

15.    Place all approved waste (see the Approved Materials List) in the designated compost area behind the fence panels beyond the greenhouse. Cut your waste materials into small pieces so they can deteriorate more quickly. Waste that cannot be composted should be removed from The Garden by the Gardener.

16.    Water conservation is required at The Garden. Be sure to turn off hose bibs and properly mulch your plot. Return and recoil hoses to their designated areas.

17.    If you must abandon the plot for any reason, notify the Garden Management immediately.

18.    The Community Garden@Snellville cannot guarantee protection against vandalism, theft or from wildlife living in the area. Any vandalism or theft should be reported to the Garden Management immediately. Any items left at the plot are at the Gardener’s own risk and will be deemed abandoned at the conclusion of the permit term.

19.    The Community Garden@Snellville Garden Rules are subject to change at any time. The Garden Management reserves the right to enforce the rules and is the ultimate authority in any dispute. The Garden Management also reserves the right to revoke plot membership and access for failure to comply with the Garden rules.

20.    If there are unleased plots after the annual application period, up to two additional plots may be leased to established gardeners.  This would allow a maximum of 3 plots for an individual lessee.  These plots would require an additional 6 hours of garden community service per plot.

2024-2025 Community Garden Application Form

P.O. Box 669, Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 972-0518 Gretchen Schulz or (770) 279-9062 Wes Nettleton
Website: www.snellvillecommunitygarden.com

Pages 3, 4 and 5 of this application must be filled out completely. Application and Release and Waiver of Liability must be signed by all Gardeners. If you are a new Gardener, please call the phone
number above to determine if a plot is available prior to sending payment.
NOTE:  Please make check payable to Community Garden @ Snellville

Date _______________________________

Full Name _____________________________________________________________________________   

Street Address _________________________________________________________________________   

City  _________________________________________________________________________________  

Phone Numbers:  Home ______________________________  Cell _______________________________

Email Address __________________________________________________________________________  
Please note: email is the primary form of communication used and will be used only for garden purposes.

Emergency Contact (other than applicant):
 Name _______________________________________________   Phone Number ___________________
If you are sharing a plot with other Gardeners, please provide their name(s) and email address(es) and phone number(s).
Also, all Gardeners must sign the bottom of this application and the
Release and Waiver of Liability Section

Name  _________________________  Email ____________________  Phone Number ________________
Name  _________________________  Email ____________________  Phone Number ________________
Requested Plot Size: (If plots are available after the annual application period ends, up to 2 additional plots may be requested for a maximum of 3 plots per family.)
NOTE:  Please make check payable to Community Garden @ Snellville

______     4’ x 8’    Fee - Resident $35.00 – Non-resident $50.00
______     4’ x 12’    Fee - Resident $50.00 – Non-resident $65.00

(Note: Please do not send payment before confirming availability.)

To confirm if you live within the city limits and are eligible for the “resident” fee, check the “Am I In the City” tab on the city website:  www.snellville.org.

This Application and Release and Waiver of Liability (the “Release”) executed on this ____________________ day of ___________________________, 20_______, by the plot lessee(s) (hereafter collectively known as “The Gardener(s)”) in favor of the Community Garden @ Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land (hereafter collectively known as “The Garden”).
The Gardener desires to participate in The Garden and engage in the activities related to being a Gardener and/or volunteer at The Garden.
The Gardener hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress executes this Release under the following terms:
I (we) have read and understood the Garden Rules of The Garden and understand that failure to follow the rules will result in the loss of gardening privileges and forfeiture of my garden plot.
I (we) understand that The Garden is operated on “sustainable” gardening guidelines, and I (we) have read and understand the Approved Materials List of The Garden and understand that failure to follow this list will result in the loss of gardening privileges and forfeiture of my garden plot.
I (we) understand that the Community Garden@Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land cannot warrant the viability or performance of my crops or plantings. No insurance or guaranty is being provided for crops or plantings,
I (we) understand that The Community Garden@Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land may take photographs and/or video recordings of my plot, and/or myself, family and/or guests while in the garden. I (we) hereby consent to the use of said images and recordings for promotional purposes
I (we) also understand that neither The Community Garden@Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land accept liability for incidents which occur while engaged in activities at The Garden. I therefore agree to hold harmless The Community Garden @ Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land for any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, or property damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with the use of the garden by me or any of my guests and/or any other person. Each Gardener is expected and encouraged to obtain his/her own medical or health insurance coverage.
I (we) also understand that neither The Community Garden@Snellville, the Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, the City of Snellville and any of their agents and/or the owners of the land do not assume any  responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or any other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance in the event of injury or illness.

I (we) expressly agree that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state of Georgia, and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia. Gardener agrees that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of this Release which shall continue to be enforceable.

Gardener #1 Signature _________________________________________   Date ______________________

Gardener #1 Printed Name  _________________________________________________________________

Gardener #2 Signature _________________________________________   Date ______________________

Gardener #2 Printed Name  _________________________________________________________________

Gardener #3 Signature _________________________________________   Date ______________________

Gardener #3 Printed Name  _________________________________________________________________

Gardener #4 Signature _________________________________________   Date ______________________

Gardener #4 Printed Name  _________________________________________________________________